Noise and howling elimination algorithm tailored to the characteristics of chips

In small devices such as wearables, low power consumption and miniaturized algorithms are important. Apply Deep Hearing's lightweight yet powerful noise reduction and Voice Activity Detection (VAD) to lower the power consumption of audio processing.
Noise and howling elimination algorithm tailored to the characteristics of chips

Small battery-powered devices need low-power algorithms.

Low-power solutions unique to Deep Hearing can be applied to small devices such as wearables.

Low-power miniaturized model

Chips with high performance noise reduction from a small amount of computation can be manufactured. This can provide great advantages in environments that require long-term activation.

Custom algorithms

We update the noise reduction algorithm to suit various chip manufacturing environment conditions, with the opportunity to be further enhanced for specific environments.

Various algorithms such as VAD

In addition to noise reduction, various voice processing algorithms are provided at a low power consumption

Deep Hearing Corp.

8F-111, 8, Gangnam-daero 53-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

503 Daejeon TIPS town, 99, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Tel : +82 42-721-4900

Fax : +82 42-721-4901

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